
Government Spending Review: It’s time to invest in community-led housing
Our most recent campaign to build ministerial support has been our biggest ever - with over 130...

New research: Community-led stewardship as an alternative to private management companies in housing developments
Our chief executive, Tom, introduces a new report which draws on lessons learned from 5 case...

Growing community power? CLTN’s analysis of the Devolution White Paper
Our chief executive, Tom, shares an update on the government's recently published Devolution White...

CLT Network response to 2024 National Planning Policy Framework Updates
Featured image: Bristol CLT On 12th December 2024 the government published the revised National...

CLT Network Online Member Space: Frequently Asked Questions
Feature image: The Community Land Trust Network's 2024 Building with Communities Conference Across...

CLT Network calls for the government to promote community-led regeneration
The government is consulting on changes to national planning policy and we’re suggesting some changes to help CLTs access sites

Lobbying the Senedd for CLT policy and funding reforms!
Feature image: Gwyr CLT on a study trip to a local Passivhaus build With a new settling in and...

New research on black and ethnically diverse community led housing
The government is consulting on changes to national planning policy and we’re suggesting some changes to help CLTs access sites

Our submission to the 2024 English planning consultation
The government is consulting on changes to national planning policy and we’re suggesting some changes to help CLTs access sites

Review confirms success of Government’s Community Housing Fund
Announcing the CLT Network’s research partnership with Shared Assets to explore the role and opportunities for English and Welsh CLTs stewarding land for nature, farming and communities.

Submission to the 2024 autumn budget
We have submitted a set of proposals to HM Treasury for the 2024 autumn budget, due to be...

It’s time to lobby for funding and policy reform for CLTs!
Feature image: Yorspace CLT breaking ground at Lowfield Green Housing Co-op The new government has...

Our submission to the London Assembly Housing Committee
16th August 2024 In June, the London Assembly launched an investigation into Community Land Trusts...

Our draft response to the 2024 English planning consultation
The government is consulting on changes to national planning policy and we’re suggesting some changes to help CLTs access sites

Our statement on the recent riots
Our CEO, Tom Chance, shares an official statement on the recent riots that have taken place or...

A community right to develop?
Our CEO, Tom Chance, writes about our hopes for a reformed Community Right to Buy, and for a wider...

Getting Ready for the General Election: How Can CLTs Take Action?
Feature image: London CLT The General Election is on, and it’s a fantastic opportunity for you to...

World CLT Day: The Community Led Housing Growth Lab – Growing the Sector’s Intermediaries One Year In
As World CLT Day approaches, CLT Network Project Manager, Nichola Morris, shares more about the...

How much social housing could CLTs build?
Our CEO, Tom Chance, writes on the potential of Community Land Trusts to help build much more...

Land! O but my heart is with you
Announcing the CLT Network’s research partnership with Shared Assets to explore the role and opportunities for English and Welsh CLTs stewarding land for nature, farming and communities.

The Community Land Trust Network calls for policies to make community led development account for at least 5% of housing in the UK in the next five years
The CLT Network has published their 2024 Community Land Trusts Manifesto with policies that would...

Community Land Trust Manifesto Launch: rewiring the system for CLTs
Our CEO, Tom Chance, shares the CLT Network's new manifesto, calling on our next government to...

Groundbreaking NPPF update backs community led housing
Our chief executive, Tom, shares an update on the planning policy and leasehold reform in England...

The UNIX theory of CLTs
Our chief executive, Tom, reflects in this essay on why we should rethink the role of the...

How Cornwall Communities are Fighting the Housing Crisis
Our chief executive, Tom, spent a few days in Cornwall, speaking at a conference and meeting some...

CLTs championed in new Localis report
With the ongoing cost-of-living crisis more people than ever are in need of genuinely affordable...

Unveiling the Community Led Housing Growth Lab
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, writes with Owen Jarvis from the UK Cohousing Network about our...

Campaign for more supportive community led housing policies
Campaign for more supportive community led housing policies The Community Land Trust...

The role of intermediaries
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, recently attended the International Social Housing Festival in...

Star Council Awards 2023
We know how important a supportive council can be for the success of your Community Land Trust’s...

Programme update: Enabling Water Smart Communities
CLTN partnering in Enabling Water Smart Communities Programme Enabling Water Smart Communities...

USA: the good, the bad and the beautiful
Our CEO writes about a recent study tour around the USA, and his reflections on what we can learn in the UK about collective leadership and building community capacity for regeneration,

Building a more inclusive CLT movement
Building a more inclusive CLT movement Last year, we commissioned The Institute of Community...

New research shows potential for 278,000 more community led homes
What could be a better example than a neighbourhood taking control, then being in charge of its...

New research on Homes in Community Hands
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, reviews recent academic research into Power to Change's Homes in...

CLTN response to the English planning consultation
We have responded to Government’s NPPF consultation on changes to the English planning system. We...

Our draft response to the English planning consultation
We are publishing our draft response to the Government's NPPF consultation, and calling on our...

Housing Minister Lucy Frazer MP meets with CLT Network & partners
The Rt Hon Lucy Frazer MP, Minister of State for Housing, met online earlier today (19 December...

Celebrating 20 years of Venturesome with a renewed commitment to community led housing
This guest blog post was authored by Anne-Helene Sinha and Nayantara Nath of the Venturesome team...

Why are there so few CLTs in Wales?
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, responds to a new report on community asset ownership by a Welsh...

The Liverpool Region hub on the importance of local political support
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, summarises our various lobbying activities and where the community land trust movement stands amid this shifting political climate.

Where we stand in the shifting political sands
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, summarises our various lobbying activities and where the community land trust movement stands amid this shifting political climate.

CLTs must be exempt from the Right to Buy
We have urged the government to fully exempt CLTs from leasehold enfranchisement in future legislation.

Community Housing Fund still on the table
The Community Housing Fund is still on the table. Here’s a quick explanation of the current position, how we got here, and what we can all do to get the fund reopened.

Our Chair visits Brussels to explore a European CLT Network
The Chair of our board of trustees, Steve Hoey, reflects on his visit to Brussels for a meeting exploring the future of a Europe-wide community land trust network.

Levelling up the basics
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, writes about Local Trust's recent conference on the evidence base...

Strong council support for community led housing (2022 FOI)
New research carried out by the Community Land Trust Network reveals the strong levels of local...

So, what exactly are CLTs…… A new form of commoning?
Chief Executive Tom Chance writes about some new research looking at what CLTs are, and what they...

CLH groups to deliver 1200 additional homes thanks to £4mil CHF
The Community Housing Fund Revenue Programme 2021/22 has awarded 52 grants to community organisations across England who are planning to deliver over 1,200 additional affordable homes. More than half of the bids were from community land trusts (CLTs), which remain the largest driver of growth in the community led housing sector.

Meet our CLT Ambassadors
The Community Land Trust Network has brought together a group of nine CLT ambassadors from CLT...