Feature image: Yorspace CLT breaking ground at Lowfield Green Housing Co-op The new government has...
Getting Ready for the General Election: How Can CLTs Take Action?
Feature image: London CLT The General Election is on, and it’s a fantastic opportunity for you to...
World CLT Day: The Community Led Housing Growth Lab – Growing the Sector’s Intermediaries One Year In
As World CLT Day approaches, CLT Network Project Manager, Nichola Morris, shares more about the...
Land! O but my heart is with you
Announcing the CLT Network’s research partnership with Shared Assets to explore the role and opportunities for English and Welsh CLTs stewarding land for nature, farming and communities.
How Cornwall Communities are Fighting the Housing Crisis
Our chief executive, Tom, spent a few days in Cornwall, speaking at a conference and meeting some...
The Liverpool Region hub on the importance of local political support
Our chief executive, Tom Chance, summarises our various lobbying activities and where the community land trust movement stands amid this shifting political climate.
Our Chair visits Brussels to explore a European CLT Network
The Chair of our board of trustees, Steve Hoey, reflects on his visit to Brussels for a meeting exploring the future of a Europe-wide community land trust network.
Strong council support for community led housing (2022 FOI)
New research carried out by the Community Land Trust Network reveals the strong levels of local...
CLH groups to deliver 1200 additional homes thanks to £4mil CHF
The Community Housing Fund Revenue Programme 2021/22 has awarded 52 grants to community organisations across England who are planning to deliver over 1,200 additional affordable homes. More than half of the bids were from community land trusts (CLTs), which remain the largest driver of growth in the community led housing sector.
Meet our CLT Ambassadors
The Community Land Trust Network has brought together a group of nine CLT ambassadors from CLT...
Resident Management at London CLT: Lessons Learnt
This guest blog was authored by Hannah Emery-Wright, Communities Manager with London CLT, and Claudia Firth, freelance Community Management Consultant and resident of a London co-op. It covers what a Resident Management Company (RMC) is, how London CLT set one up and the lessons learnt along the way.
Meet our CLT Peer Researchers
The Community Land Trust Network has brought together a group of eight CLT peer researchers to...
The Community Led Homes hubs hit Liverpool
From the 14th to the 16th of October, more than 30 representatives from the Community Led Homes...
‘Levelling up’ and community led housing’s role
Rosie McBride (Research Officer) and Tom Chance (joint Chief Executive) write about our new State of the Sector report, and what it tells us about the community led housing sector in ‘left behind’ parts of England.
New report highlights the growing influence and impact of CLTs
New comprehensive analysis of CLTs published by the National CLT Network shows the growing impact of the movement and the scale of the market opportunities opening.
How to make regeneration work: What is Bottom Up Development?
Shelley Feldman at Heart of Hastings CLT writes about bottom up regeneration work, and why it matters.
Three reasons why it’s important to diversify your CLT leadership and membership
Creating a strong and effective community land trust is a journey. And key to a CLT’s long-term success is a robust and diverse membership.
Spotlight on: PEACH and the E16 community land trust
Dan Barron, a community organiser at PEACH, tells the story of how PEACE formed and how it’s building community power.
London CLT and the power of community organising
Authored by Lianna Etkind, London CLT. London CLT, and the 23 genuinely affordable homes built at St Clements, wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the power of community organising.
What does resident led council estate regeneration look like?
Blog Authored by Chris Brown, igloo on what resident led council estate generation looks like.
More councils than ever before back community led housing development
Research undertaken by the National Community Land Trust Network has revealed that a third of local authorities in England are now supporting community led housing development.
To be or not to be a Registered Provider?
Andrea Jones of Brighton & Hove CLT explains why the CLT started out assuming we would not become an RP and why they changed their minds.