2023 Community Land Trust Network AGM and awards ceremony

Event Date | 25 November 2023

Image reads Save the date: CLT Network 2023 AGM and awards ceremony Saturday 25th November 11am-4pm

As well as AGM business, the CLT Network AGM includes the fifth annual CLT Awards, networking opportunities, and two inspiring sessions exploring diverse perspectives on house building and winning support at the local level.

This session will once again be taking place over Zoom. This decision is based on feedback and a desire to increase accessibility for more CLTs, creating a better inclusive and democratic movement.


11 – 11:30am | Welcome, review of the year and AGM

An overview of the Community Land Trust Network’s progress in 22/23 and member voting on a range of matters.

11.30 – 11.55am | CLTN Awards

Our chance to celebrate the many CLT successes of the previous year and award a special handful of prestigious wooden geese! Each year we celebrate the fantastic achievements of CLTs across England and Wales, with a special few being awarded a prestigious goose!

Geese…? Our awards have been inspired by the well-known ‘V’ formation that geese fly in. The goose at the front takes the lead, while others follow in their slipstream to save energy. When the leading goose gets tired it drops back and another takes its place. In this way, every goose is a leader at some point in their long, arduous migrations. CLTs do the same!

Remember to nominate some heroes for the CLT awards by Monday 25th October at 11:59pm.

11.55am – 12:05pm | Comfort break

12:05 – 12:25pm | Looking ahead 

CLT Network CEO, Tom Chance, will give an update about what is coming up in the coming year, including updates from the CLT Sector general election campaign and the CLT Network Growth Programme. 

12:25 – 1.00pm | Facilitated speed networking

Get to know your fellow CLTs with our speed networking session. You’ll be paired with CLTs in 5 minute bursts with some question prompts – or go completely off piste. A connected network is a stronger network, after all!

1:00 – 1:30pm | Lunch

1:30-1:40pm | CLT Showcase: celebrating the CLT projects that have reached completion this year

1.40 – 2.30pm | Panel: What does homebuilding look like in a housing and climate crisis? 

With a general election in the not too distant future, there will be a lot of debate about how we create new homes. To understand a little more about the diverse perspectives out there we’ll be joined by Imandeep Kaur (Civic Square, Doughnut Economics Action Lab Advisory Team) and Anya Martin (Priced Out).

Should CLTs ‘back the builders’? Are we a bunch of BANANAs (Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything, that is)? Should we be building alternatives to the current systems or integrating to make change from within? Come along with an open mind, ready to understand different perspectives. 

2.35 – 2.45pm | Break

2:45 – 2:55pm | CLT Showcase: CLTs across Europe and the European CLT Network

2:55 – 3:50pm | Workshop: Winning people round – confidence, capacity and credibility”

Relationships and partnerships at a local level are so important when it comes to turning bold ideas into lasting positive change. Whether you need buy-in and support from the officers and councillors within your local council, want to appeal to a local landowner or need the backing of your community to build pressure and your reputation – your CLT can’t do it alone.

In this workshop we will hear from Tom Warder (Sussex Community Housing Hub) and Beki Winter (Housing Justice) about their successful approaches to partnership building to help guide your own approach. We will then turn to our network to share experiences and generate ideas together for what we can all do at a local level.

3.50 – 4.00 pm | Closing statements

Key documents will be sent out to all registrants ahead of the AGM.

We are grateful for support from our corporate partners: Anthony Collins Solicitors, Ecology Building Society, Triodos Bank and Wrigleys Solicitors

Event Details: