We are campaigning for the Community Housing Fund to be renewed for a further 2 years
The Community Housing Fund has been incredibly successful.
From Cornwall to Cleveland, Liverpool to Peterborough, new community led homes have been built, enabled or started in development thanks to the fund. We know that without this fund, these homes would not be happening and many homes in development would have to stop.
Our asks for the 2022-25 budget

£45m Revenue funding for projects

£7.5m of Capital funding for non-standard affordable tenures

£8m to complete the network of enabler hubs and advisers

The Subsidy Control Bill to permit subsidy to CLH
Where are we now?
In September 2021 the former Housing Minister joined us to launch the research on the current pipeline and funding need. He warmly welcomed the research and said “community led housing has an important, indeed you might say, unique contribution to make to meeting our housing need”.
In October 2021, with partners in Community Led Homes, we sent in our Spending Review submission setting out the full policy case for extending the CHF.
Since then we have been speaking to lots of MPs across all parties, and encouraging our members and others in the sector to do the same. We have been working behind the scenes to influence officials, advisers and policy experts.
The Government now have a decision to make. We know that successive ministers have supported the CHF in principle. But they need to put their money behind it, with a full £53 million plus flexibility on tenures in the Affordable Homes Programme.
Write to your MP!
If you’re a community led housing group developing a project, write to your MP today asking them to lobby on your behalf. Tell your MP all about your project, what you hope you achieve, and how critical a CHF grant will be. Your MP can write to the Housing Minister asking that they renew the Community Housing Fund, citing your project. Letters from MPs have a huge impact on ministers.
The Community Housing Fund in numbers
existing community led homes in the UK
homes in the pipeline
demand over budget
public benefit for every £1 spent
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