Response to proposed tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs)

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We have submitted our response to the government’s consultation on the introduction of tenant satisfaction measures, which sets out plans to further regulate Registered Providers (RPs) of Social Housing via the Regulator for Social Housing.

Read our final response here (PDF).

On the whole, we at the Community Land Trust Network support these expanded TSMs proposed by the Regulator and appreciate the accommodations for regulation to be reasonable for and proportionate to small providers. A minority of our members consulted were concerned that carrying out surveys on the 22 TSMs
could be too burdensome for very small RPs (with fewer than 10 homes, for example), and thought that very small providers should be exempt. However, we support the proposed TSMs as an organisation for all RPs regardless of size because we think they a) relate to good practice any good landlord should be monitoring, and b) encourage high standards of housing management, to which all CLT providers of housing should adhere.

While we appreciate the flexibility given to small providers not to report their survey findings to the Regulator, we would be interested to continue conversations as to whether this should be required in the future.

Please email us with any questions about our response.

Download our response to the consultation on the introduction of tenant satisfaction measures.