Government announced £4 million for a Community Housing Fund

Home K Policy and Campaigning K Government announced £4 million for a Community Housing Fund

The government has announced that £4million in revenue funding has been allocated to a renewed Community Housing Fund for 2021/22.

We are delighted that the government is continuing to support community led housing. Given the pressure from COVID-19 and the economic downturn, this funding is something to celebrate. It means that more innovative and affordable homes can be delivered in the communities that need them up and down the country.

This is the result of months of campaigning and lobbying by the National CLT Network. Special credit goes to members of the National CLT Network, who contacted over 80 MPs, making it impossible for Ministers to ignore our case. Independent evidence we commissioned also showed the significant pipeline of homes ready to be delivered, the funding required and the £2.70 benefit that every £1 of public spending would bring.

Catherine Harrington, Joint CEO of the National CLT Network responds:

“We welcome the Government’s decision to allocate £4million in revenue funding to the Community Housing Fund for 2021/22. This is an encouraging step in the right direction.

“More investment will be needed to deliver the pipeline of homes. We saw revenue bids to the previous Fund amount to £27million and our research shows there is a demand for up to £53million in revenue funding over the next five years, with demand growing all the time.

“We expect an overwhelming number of applications to this 2021/22 Fund. This will demonstrate the need for more and longer-term public investment in community led housing. We look forward to making that case in the next Spending Review”

The National CLT Network will continue to make the case to HM Treasury and Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government for longer-term funding for community led housing in the next Spending Review, which is due to take place later this year.

Because this new funding does not include capital funding, we are also making the case for groups to be able to make use of alternative sources, including the new Levelling-Up Fund and the Shared Prosperity Fund. This is particularly important for groups that are not eligible for the Affordable Homes Programme or Shared Ownership and Affordable Homes Programme (SOAHP).

We must share our appreciation for those who have supported our campaign, particularly the Nationwide Foundation, Power to Change, Ecology Building Society, Triodos Bank, our Community Led Homes partners the Confederation for Co-operative Housing, Locality and UK Cohousing, and several MPs and Peers, including Danny Kruger MP, Richard Bacon MP and Caroline Lucas MP and Lord Best. Plus the organisations that joined our campaign for the Community Housing Fund including Shelter, Chartered Institute of Housing, PlaceShapers, Create Streets, the Smith Institute, Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE), the Countryside Charity (CPRE), Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), Charity Bank, Local Trust and National Custom and Self Build Association (NaCSBA).

To read the government’s announcement, please visit this page.

For more information on the research cited above, please visit this page.